Private Music Instructors
Loretta Haskell 843-557-7208, email LorettaHaskell@moremusicplease.com (James Island area)
Jessica Zieche (843) 860-6430 jessica@charlestonmusictherapy.com
SC Music Lessons LLC (Owner, Holly Slice 843-471-4580) www.scmusiclessons.com or holly@scmusiclessons.com
Piano Studio of Barbara Manaker (multiple teachers) 843)270-4253 email, music@jamesislandpc.org (James Island Presbyterian Church)
Charleston Academy of Music (Downtown or Mt. Pleasant) Director, Dr.Irina Pezner Info@CharlestonAcademyOfMusic.com (843) 805-7794
Ellie Jos*, BM (843) 860-7228 elliejos12@gmail.com West Ashley
Sadie deWall* (West Ashley) sadierosed@gmail.com and my cell is (917)547-8291
Frances Hsieh, CSO (West Ashley and Downtown) (919)360-3953 hsieh79@gmail.com
Micah Gangwer, CSO (West Ashley) (405) 408-7598, micahgangwer@yahoo.com
​Tomas Jakubek: (843)-597-2041, sipa.jakubek@gmail.com (Downtown)
SC Music Lessons LLC (Owner, Holly Slice 843-471-4580) www.scmusiclessons.com holly@scmusiclessons.com
Lydia Chernicoff, lydiachernicoff@gmail.com, James Island
Rex Connor 843-881-5630 (Downtown)
James Anderson 970-443-2632 (BM, MM), email (jamesandersonviolin@gmail.com) (Summerville area)
DeAnndra Glenn, (843)991-3564, www.charlestonviolin.com, North Charleston
Asako Kremer, CSO (W. Ashley) 843-364-1420 asakokremer@gmail.com
Gloria Lee M.M. & B.M. (West Ashley and Downtown) 352-281-8220, gloria.yunwon@gmail.com
Andrae Raffield, MM (843) 697-9826 or andrae.raffield123@gmail.com (North Charleston)
Stephanie Silvestri, BM (843) 471-8606 grecoarco@gmail.com (Mt. Pleasant)
Dan Urbanowicz (West Ashley) 412-874-9933 danviola08@gmail.com, M.M. New England Conservatory, B.M. Cleveland Institute of Music
Sadie deWall (West Ashley) sadierosed@gmail.com and my cell is (917)547-8291
Jan-Marie Joyce, CSO (James Island) violajoyce@gmail.com 843-647-9630
DeAnndra Glenn, (843)991-3564, www.charlestonviolin.com, North Charleston
Andrae Raffield, MM (843) 697-9826 or andrae.raffield123@gmail.com
Dan Urbanowicz 412-874-9933 danviola08@gmail.com, West Ashley
Helen Greenfield 843-889-8260 helengreenfieldcello@gmail.com (Johns Island)
Damian Kremer, CSO (West Ashley) 843-953-7335 damiankremer@bellsouth.net
Andrew Mille 843-693-0004 andrew@charlestonentertainment.com (West Ashley)
Timothy O'Malley (West Ashley) (843) 573-9416 teomalley@gmail.com
String Bass
Andrew Price (N. Charleston): andrew_price@charleston.k12.sc.us Cell- 864-723-5337 School- 843-529-2831
Schools & Groups of Teachers
Hungry Monk Music 843-571-3857
SC Music Lessons LLC (Owner, Holly Slice 843-471-4580) www.scmusiclessons.com adelaide@scmusiclessons.com or holly@scmusiclessons.com
Charleston Music School Info@CharlestonMusicSchool.com
Charleston Academy of Music (843) 805-7794